迈克尔(Michael Kruppe)履任上海新国际博览中心总经理
时间:2014-02-12      来源:

New General Manager for SNIEC


February 2014, Shanghai Mr. Michael Kruppe has been appointed as the new General Manager of the Shanghai New International Expo Centre Co., Ltd. (SNIEC).
Mr. Kruppe, who has taken up the role on 1st February 2014, has worked in the Top-Management of various multinational companies in China like Helm Group, Doehler, Cronimet and H&K International for 25 years. Mr. Michael Kruppe’s appointment follows the departure of Dr. Hans-JÖrg Geduhn who has left the company after 8 successful years as General Manager at the end of January 2014. Mr. Kruppe will set the next milestone to further support “Experience & Excellence”, a strategy which reflects SNIEC’s top position as an Exhibition venue market leader in China.

迈克尔Michael Kruppe)履任上海新国际博览中心总经理

20142月(上海)-- 迈克尔 (Michael Kruppe) 先生自2014年2月1日起出任上海新国际博览中心有限公司(SNIEC)总经理一职。在此之前, 迈克尔先生曾服务多家驻中国跨国公司如Helm Group, Doehler, Cronimet 和 H&K International, 拥有25年的市场与销售经验。迈克尔先生是继SNIEC前任总经理董汉友博士(Dr. Hans-JÖrg Geduhn)之后由董事会任命的新一届总经理。董汉友博士于今年1月底正式离任。在过去8年里,在董汉友博士的领导下,SNIEC取得了巨大发展。今天,迈克尔先生将继续秉承SNIEC“专业智慧,领先服务的品牌理念和品牌战略,带领SNIEC迈向新的里程,谱写新的篇章。
 ( 资料来源: 上海新国际博览中心有限公司 )
For media enquiries, please contact / 新闻联系:
Charles Pan (潘宇)
Email: charles.pan@sniec.net        Website: www.sniec.net
Direct Tel: (86 21) 28906855   Main Tel: (86 21) 28906666   Fax: (86 21) 28906777
Address: 2345 Longyang Road, Shanghai 201204, P.R.China

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